Term 2 Week 5

Now More Than Ever
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The theme for Reconciliation Week is Now More Than Ever.
As a community we started this important week with a Sorry Day liturgy on Friday 24 May. Year 3/4LP hosted this gathering and it was celebrated by Deacon Andrew. This liturgy was an opportunity to come together, remember what had happened to Indigenous Australians through government policies and actions and gain an understanding of the impact this had on many of them and still does today. It was a beautiful liturgy, and although sombre, gave hope that our students are gaining a better understanding of what happened to our Indigenous Australians and how this affected them then and now and the importance of working together for reconciliation.
Our Reconciliation Week activities continued with some classes creating hands to represent their thoughts on the actions of the British historically and their hopes that as young people they can come together with Indigenous Australians to work in partnership and with a deeper understanding.
Our staff prayer this week also focussed on Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week. It allowed staff an opportunity to say sorry for what Indigenous Australians have suffered, honour them for the strength they have shown over the years and join with them in the healing process. We viewed a video of a lady, Eileen Cummings, who was part of the stolen generation. Eileen she was able to be reunited with her mother and spent the last 15 years of her mother’s life, reconnecting and getting to know her mum and her culture all over again. This was an emotional clip to view as Eileen shared the lack of understanding her mother had of why they took her daughter from her and the sadness this ordeal had bought to both their lives.
Finally, we held House Buddy activities on Friday afternoon where the students created beautiful artwork inspired by Aboriginal artists in their house teams. The House Leaders led this activity and worked with the teachers to share their insights into the importance of Reconciliation Week.
Now More Than Ever – let us listen, hear and learn from the past and work together for a better future.

Sacraments Program 2023/2024– Confirmation Retreat
Last Thursday, 9 students who are part of the Sacrament Program, attended a Confirmation Retreat at St Martin’s Catholic Primary School. With a total of 36 students attending from St Monica’s, St Martin’s and the Parish, this day gave our students an opportunity to meet new friends and play with different people during recess and lunch. During the day the students learnt about the fruits of the Holy Spirit and learnt ways in which they can display these fruits in their own lives. They also created a shield which will be displayed on the night they will celebrate their Confirmation.
It was a fantastic day and our students represented St Monica’s amazingly. Their ability to interact with new people, show impeccable manners and be willing to engage in activities and share their thoughts made me very proud of them and the St Monica’s Community.

Upcoming Dates – St Monica’s Parish School
Saturday 1 June @ 6pm Children’s Liturgy – Invitation for Reconciliation
Sunday 2 June @ 9:30am Children’s Liturgy – Invitation for Reconciliation
Friday 21 June @ 9:00am Refugee Mass – 1/2J
Friday 5 July Last Day of Term 2 St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal Fundraiser – PJs and Hot Chocolate
Parent Education Evening – Kimochis
On Thursday evening, we hosted a very informative parent education evening about the Kimochis wellbeing program with Michael Edgecombe from Doing Life Together. This is a child centred program that uses story and play to help children name and understand their BIG feelings and builds and nurtures their emotional intelligence and capabilities. With the support from a State Government Wellbeing boost, we have had all our Early Years educators undertake the training and we have now implemented the program throughout Reception to Year 2 classes.
I would like to acknowledge Catholic School Parents SA for their support of this evening by providing funding through a Parents in Education grant to help cover the costs. It was a very well received session and we look forward to sharing more parent information evenings with you on a variety of topics. If you have a recommendation or suggestion on what we might be able to include, please let me know.

Premier’s Reading Challenge 2024 / Premier’s Be Active Challenge 2024
Congratulations to all the students who have already completed the 2024 PRC Challenge. Completed PRC Reading Records and Premier’s Be Active Challenge forms can be returned to the library at any time. Further information about the Be Active Challenge can be found at https://pbac.sa.edu.au and the Reading Challenge at www.prc.sa.edu
Overdue Library Books and Readers
Could you please check at home and in school bags and return any books found as soon as possible. Thank you.

2024 Book Week
The CBCA Children’s Book Week takes place annually in August with the Winner and Honour Books announced on Friday 16th August 2024. This year’s theme Reading is Magic celebrates reading stories and their amazing power to transport minds, encouraging children to be curious about the wonders in our world.
Book Club No. 4
Book Club orders will close on Friday 14th June. Thank you for your ongoing support of the Book Club which helps provide additional resources for the students.
This year the senior students have taken on more responsibility at snack time. They have helped prepare the food, as well as giving it out to the other children.
The senior students have enjoyed sitting at a table during snack time for which they have been responsible for the set up and cleaning of.

The parent community has established a private group on Facebook that facilitates the trading of second-hand uniform items.
Please visit www.facebook.com/groups/stmonicasbuyswapsell and request to join the group if you are interested.
The page is ideal for selling items in good condition that your child has outgrown, or to sell items if your child is moving on. Simply post images and your contact details. Alternatively, you can join the group to take advantage of the pre-loved items that become available.
For those of you who are not on Facebook, please contact the P&F pandf.stmonicas@gmail.com and they will assist you with the sale of items.
Please note the sale of old-style uniform items is not allowed. St Monica's Parish School does not manage this page and takes no responsibility for any private sales.
We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the land upon which St Monica’s learn, work and play.
May we walk gently on this land acknowledging the Kaurna people's deep spiritual connection with their country.
We pay our respects to Kaurna elders past and present and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Important Dates
Da Vinci Decathlon Years 5/6
Mid Year 2024 Reception Transition Day and Parent Information Session
Assembly Led by 3/4LP
Public Holiday King's Birthday
Yr 5/6 Girls Basketball Carnival
Sacrament of Confirmation - St Martin's Church
School Disco
Mid Year 2024 Reception Transition Day
1/2 AFL MAX Excursion
Board Meeting 6.30pm
CSMF Year 6 Choir Hub Assessment
Sacrament of Confirmation St Monica's Church
Performance Choir singing at Calvary Hospital North Adelaide
Refugee Mass Led by Student Voice
Year 5/6SJ & 5/6E EXCURSION
Yrs 3-6 Netball Carnival
Winter Appeal - PJ and Hot Chocolate Day
Last Day of Term 2
Pupil Free Day
Term 3 Commences
Pupil Free Days 2024
